- Albai Castle, a Rioja for those who do not let themselves be surprised -

Albai Castle, a Rioja for those who do not let themselves be surprised


Albai Castle, a Rioja for those who do not let themselves be surprised.

Castillo de Albai, un Rioja de ahora para entendidos que aun esperan Riojas del ayer.

Our Castillo de Albai range is known for having the style of traditional Rioja wines but adapted to a bolder style, This means fruity touches and more adapted to new demand and wine lovers of Rioja region.

Our wines are friendly to the palate and easy to drink. The maceration is softer to extract enough tannins so that they are not so excessive and for this reason, more silky wines come out. The use of American Oak provides sweeter aromas such as vanilla, cocoa, etc.

This is a total new approach for Rioja and to resume this we count on our brand media Ambassador. A character who has spent his life preaching a single truth and is unable to accept anything that smells innovation and new approaches. Less so, if the new one comes to stay. Convincing him otherwise is not being easy…

An amazing Rioja, for those who do not let themselves be surprised.